Luna Park Photo Contest 2021 Winners

It was a close race for the 2021 #lunaparkphotocontest , but the Best Photo and grand prize goes to James Smith for his photo of the beautiful pond amongst the trees!
Kate Dodson wins the Moon Shot for her flowery home under the stars. Steve Utt wins the Family & Friends category for the shot of our neighborhood tie-dye entrepreneurs. And Rafael Barker wins the Home & Garden category for the capture of John C. Norman built apartment building under the rainbow.
What a fantastic conclusion and such amazing photos that were difficult to choose between! We know this announcement comes during some tough times in Charleston, but we hope you find some joy from our Luna Park photographers. We hope everyone had a fun time capturing our neighborhood. Prize winners will be contacted to collect your winnings,
Thanks so much again to Dem 2 Brothers & A Grill, Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille, Pile’s Hardware, Main St. Garden Club, Terri Poindexter, and Howard Tyree for your contributions to the prizes.